Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Had a friend in Muscat who was continuously pressing his palms, on inquiring he told me that he was using Acupressure to cure his illness, I thought him queer and told him that, the next day he brought me a book on Acupressure, I read the book a couple of times, and got interested in Acupressure, tried this remedy and found that it works, introduced the same to my wife Jess, who got hooked on it and now helps her friends take advantage of Acupressure treatment.

Acupressure Principle:
Take an example of a flexible pipe attached to a water tap, the water will flow smoothly as long as there is no obstruction in the pipe, but if there is an obstruction, the flow will slow or even stop altogether.
How do we solve this ??
Press the pipe at a point before the obstruction to stop flow of water and thereby build pressure, as soon as we release the pressed pipe water will flow in full force, thereby pushing the obstruction out of the pipe and the water will flow smoothly. In case we don’t succeed at first, we will have to do it again till we succeed.
The same is the principle with Acupressure, when the vein gets blocked by toxins, we suffer with some diseases, so to unblock the same, we use the same technique as follows.

Press the point required for 5 secs (breathe out/exhale), release for 1 sec (breathe in/inhale). Do 20 counts for each point.

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